Our Shipping Policy

TheBumperSticker.com team is committed to sending your order within 7 calendar days of receipt. If we foresee any problems in the timely delivery of your stickers, we will contact you by the fastest assumed method you specify at registration.

If in the unlikely event that your order arrives damaged, please email us immediately at info@thebumpersticker.com with your contact details or call us toll free at 512-873-9626. We will assess the best way to deal with the damaged items and, if required arrange for a replacement.

Our Return Policy

While we hope that you are delighted with your order, we understand that sometimes returns are necessary. Please return the items to us within 7 days of receipt and we will offer you an exchange, refund or store credit, providing goods and their original packaging are in perfect condition.

Shipping, packaging and its contents are your responsibility until they reach us. Please wrap the items very securely and return them to our store at:

The Bumpersticker
612 W 34th St.
Austin, TX 78705